Frequently Asked Questions

Here in the FAQ you can find some context to some of the terminology used. as well as questions we hear more then once.

The 1337 h4xx0r sys admin raccoon checking all the data is coming in smooth, crisp and securely to the dashboard, he seems to be content with how things are going.
A raccoon standing in front of a whiteboard explaining the graphs and figures on there, symbolic for what our dashboards can do for you
The construction guys, a raccoon ready to build some cool and exciting new stuff
"Jake" the pen test raccoon. If he can't get in, no one can. The ultimate benchmark for safe connections and secure data.
A raccoon looking a little dismayed and confused about the general chaos in data, with a bunch of it's buddies trying to sort it out

General Questions, Terms & Concepts

A brief explanation of some of the terminology and concepts used on this website.

Shadow IT and shadow databases

We often come across IT infrastructure that has not been explicitly vetted by management or the board, and often this sort of situation arises because someone knows a handy piece of software, or just needs to fix a particular need. If you need to connect everything a dashboard might be the solution.

But to explain further; They are not in the light of day, and called “shadow IT” or “shadow databases” While not necessarily bad, it’s better to have a closer look at these situations.

The problem is that these solutions are not on the radar of the people who are responsible for maintaining access, data, and these sorts of things, leading to potential vulnerabilities and leaks that no one at the top is even aware of. These blind spots can be points of ingress for hackers and or other unsanctioned users, or just not comply with local laws, or shift where data falls through.

The phenomenon can be either a spark of initiative that drives the company forward. It’s not always a bad thing to have the flexibility within the organization to adapt, rather than have a very strict and rigid hierarchy; or it can be a potential detriment somewhere down the line. So we leave it up to our customers to decide whether the glass is half full or empty, we just think it’s a phenomenon to be aware of.

General Security Questions & Topics

Technology can make our lives so much easier. But just equally as well give us one hell of a headache, read about some of them here!

Data silos and multiple sources of data cause duplications or inaccurate data representation

A common scenario is also when there are multiple sources of data, that are not necessarily wrong but just have a different point of measurement. Meaning, one might be a bit older. But or looking at the same thing but with a slightly different scope or vantage point. This can be incredibly confusing and or downright detrimental to decision-making. 

So, it’s often advisable to sort out what is what, make a hierarchy for these points of data ingestion and put all of this data in a unified dashboard so there is a clear overview. This can be done with a unified dashboard by Dashcoon, we can tailor-make and pull information from various ways safely and securely.

So, it’s often advisable to sort out what is what, make a hierarchy for these points of data ingestion, and put all of this data in a unified dashboard so there is a clear overview. This can be done with a unified dashboard by Dashcoon, we can tailor-make and pull information from various ways safely and securely.

Questions about Dashboards

here are some common questions about Dashboards we hear quite often.

Scalability: Can a dashboard be changed or modified in the future?

Yes, new things can be added when you have a new system that is a potential source of information. Or you start to use new SaaS software that has an API that can send out data. 

Besides the technical mumbo jumbo, there is an element of UX to the dashboard we like to make for you. Information should be displayed in a unambiguous and clear way, otherwise it can still cause confusion. So jacking in a new system might mean looking at the larger picture again to see how to best fit it in and make it add to the rest of the data instead of detracting from it, but yes technically it’s very much possible.